
Mayflower was a boat August 1620 group of about 40 men joined a group Younger sailor had been a proud young man Finale reached the New World Left 3 times arkoss the anlanek ocean in a storm season Open sea Worker left there belongings on the Mayflower English protected from the village from scrooby Rayar king gave permission to leave…


This are the reason why I chose plymouth.Plymouth was one of the first permanent english settlements.In 1620 pilgrims rarrived in plymouth seeking for freedom.Plymouth grew into a big place.They where freindsbwith the indeans.They had good food and water.  

Life In 5 Grade

Life in 5 grade in Salome because you get some responsibility.Also you get to do a lot of cool stuff in since class and math like play games.But you are going to do a lot of test.The first  thing you do is go to amendments.Each class is 30 minutes so you switch a lot.In lunch you get to chose your…

9/11 Reflections

What I learned about 9/11 is that many people dead that day.That tarous attact the twins tower.Wen the Twin Towers fell dust covered New York City.When I herd I was sad when the Twin Towers fell.People cried when there family died.Some people served and got out but not many.Now they have build one Twin Tower back.Also there is a place…


The Blanketflower height is 18 to 24 inches.It’s scientific name is Gaillardia.  Its color is red flower with yellow rims.  The blooming period is May-September.If you plant the Blanketflower you have 60% changes of success.  You can find the Blanketflower in Road sides,drainage ditch, slopes,open fields,mixes.  The scientific family name is Asteraceae.  The common name is Blanketflower.  

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