Author: bvaughn

Humans of Fifth Grade

One day my mom told me that my family was going to Disney World. It took a long time there. I annoyed my mom and grandpa and grandma. When I got there I wanted to jump over the fence, but i want for tickets. When I got tickets we had to go to awer room, so I had to wight…

1911 – Reaction

In 1911 kids had to go to work for money and because they have no money for food.When 500 kids and  some teens.The factory cot on fire and 146 people died.If you showed up late they give you less money.Some kids even lost there lives and fingers.Some kids get killed from doing there job wrong.I fill mad and sad and…

War Of 1812

W-war of 1812 was fought between the United States and the the United Kingdom. A-few weeks later,William Henry  led the U.S. forces. R-Royal Navy’s impressed of American seamen and American’s desire to expand its terotory. O-orland boosting national confidence and fostering and a new sprint of parriotisom. F-father serra helped convert thousands of Americans Indians to Christianity. 1-1812 the United…

Battle of White Plains

On 1776,British General Henry Clinton and William Howe lead of 4,000 troops aboard some 90 flat-boat up New York East River.Toward Throng Neck ,a peninsula west Chester country,in an effort to ignore General George and the patriot force stationed at Harlem Heights.After evacuating Boston,Howe mars haled his troop for an assault on New York.The British executed a landing without resistance…

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